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More Canoes hitting North America

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:15 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
Hey all.... It's me again.

Just getting the word out there that we have another container of Silverbirch Canoes coming within the next month. We will have a limited number of Covert 10.5 Tandems, 10.5 Solos available. Colors in Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Black, and Pink. First come first serve. They were gone almost as soon as they got here back in March. We also still have stock of Covert 9.3s.

You can find more information @" onclick=";return false;

Assuming that boats are moving how we expect, we'll be looking at getting the production model Rebel 11 stateside by the end of summer. The mould is being finalized.



Re: More Canoes hitting North America

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:30 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
FullGnarlzOC wrote: . . . Just getting the word out there that we have another container of Silverbirch Canoes coming within the next month. . .
Exciting news!

In an earlier post (Apr. 25) you said, ". . .we don't have a rep out west, but I know there are a few Coverts floating around out there. Working on that. . ."

In fact, from my observation, there are a few Coverts in Oregon, none that I know of in British Columbia, and I dunno about Washington.

We'd be grateful for an update: a month has passed; have you engaged any western reps yet, and how many boats from the aforementioned container are earmarked for western demos?


Re: More Canoes hitting North America

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:40 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
To answer your question - We are pretty much at the same spot, except there are more Silverbirch boats out West now, as more have been purchased. As we sit right now - we are focusing on getting our Southeastern and Northeastern US demo fleets up to par with all models. We are getting close.

Still in year one - so things take time as far as developing. Our goal is to be sustainable, and continue to bring in these great boats for years to come.

- Stay tuned.