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paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:15 am
by NickParker
Years ago I took a $35 Caviness Pro paddle, cut off the handle and made a nice T grip, put a Dynel/epoxy tip on the blade, and put 4oz Eglass & epoxy on the paddle faces. I coated the shaft and handle in epoxy. It was an experiment and I expected it to last about a year, but when it went floating away from me the other day I had been using it for at least 10 years.
So I'm making a couple more.
I'm considering extending the Eglass reinforcement partially up the shaft. Is that a good idea, and if so, how far up the shaft should I go?
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:05 pm
by Roy
For shafts, the answer for me is Dynel sleeve." onclick=";return false;
Slip it on, tape the ends down, soak well with epoxy resin, after hard sand it to remove fuzz. Easy...and lasts nearly forever.
I think Walbridge has a short description of its use in
Boat Builder's Manual (look for a copy at your favorite out-of-print on-line source). I would suggest doing a practice run on scrap shaft material; the trick is to get the right amount of epoxy into the Dynel so the epoxy soaks into the wood.
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:53 pm
by NickParker
I thought about Dynel sleeve, it would take about $2-3 dollars worth to do these two paddles. Sweet's minimum order is $25, plus I'd have to pay shipping. Buying more stuff to get to the minimum would be OK if I needed minicel, epoxy, Dynel cord, cloth, etc., but I already have a good stock of all that stuff.
It would be preferable to just use the 4oz Eglass I have on hand. Has anyone done that, or have an opinion about how it would work, or how far up the shaft to go?
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:01 am
by ClassFive Boats
12 inches up the shaft should be fine . I would use S-glass . Same weight twice the strength. The highest stress is at your shaft hand that forms a fulcrum.
I've lots of dynel sleeve. Send me you address and I'll send you some.
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:25 am
by NickParker
ClassFive Boats wrote:12 inches up the shaft should be fine . I would use S-glass ....
Just the info I was looking for. Thanks!
... I've lots of dynel sleeve. Send me you address and I'll send you some...
PM sent. I owe you a beer!
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:00 pm
by ClassFive Boats
I sent some material, it should be there by now. The Dynel and S glass is for shaft repair, carbon fiber blade repair.
Re: paddle shaft reinforcement question
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:22 pm
by NickParker
I received it today. Thanks!