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Lucifer's butthole

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:46 pm
by marclamenace
Many of you must have heard about the lucifer rapid on the gatineau river. The big hole in the middle known as lucifer's butthole is a nasty place to spend some time, which is quite well demonstrated here:

Even big tandem canoes can't seems to punch that monster hole.

Have fun viewing!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:59 pm
by the great gonzo
Ah, Lucifers... I had the 'pleasure' myself to gain some inside knwledge of the 'workings' :roll: of this feature.
Turns out that when trying to thread the needle between Lucifers and Rototiller having a look at the line beforehand would have been a good idea :roll: , particularly when running a river for the first time in the Riot Groove (which has virtually no primary and secondary, but tons of tertiary, i.e. upside down stability :lol: ).
After watching me spend some quality time in there, nobody else seemed to be interested in running that line any more, oddly enough... :lol: ...


Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:07 pm
by djutzi
ahh yes, I know these people. The two videos of tandem canoes (Exhibits A and B) were taken on Canada Day 2008.

Damage report:
-1 exploded flotation bag
-2 gunnels ripped off the boat
-1 drowned camera
-3 canoeists converted to kayaking

Its a tough line to're either on it or you're not, and by the time you know for sure, its too late to do anything about it. But its a heluva ride if you hit it.

There'll be lots of carnage there this weekend at Gatineau Fest, I'm sure.


Re: Lucifer's butthole

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:41 pm
by KateM
The original videos got taken down somehow...but have now been re-posted:

Exhibit A -" onclick=";return false;

Exhibit B -" onclick=";return false;
