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Canoeing the Middle Fork and Main Salmon

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:01 pm
by milkman
If you've ever wondered what this 180 or so mile trip is like, this 26-minute video pretty well captures it. We were lucky and there was still enough water to float canoes at the end of August for our Aug 27th launch day. We also managed to pick up a cancellation for the Main so we could do the whole enchilada. This was a self-support trip, though at Corn Creek on the Main, we were joined by two rafts that took over toilet-carrying duties. I was personally glad to have the scatpacker out of my canoe--it makes you take rather conservative lines when you're carrying a bucket full of crap.

The Main had two rapids that were new to me and not on our older maps. One was Alder Creek Rapid. Where did this fun rapid come from? The next new rapid, Black Creek Rapid, a few of our party knew about. It's the result of a landslide a few years ago that dammed the river up enough to turn Salmon Creek Falls into simply moving water. It's probably a Class IV.

I've labeled the rapids I knew the names of. There are many rapids I didn't get any footage of because they were read and run and if I didn't get enough ahead of everyone, they ran them before I had a chance to set up. But I do have footage of most of the bigger ones.

Re: Canoeing the Middle Fork and Main Salmon

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:42 pm
by Carol

Enjoyed your YouTube video!

When I get around to it I hope to put together a little write up and video of our trip on the Lower Salmon mid-August. It was a wonderful mixture of paddling craft: one Dagger Dimension, one of Mohawk xl- 12 (I think), one IK, one raft, one wooden dory.


Re: Canoeing the Middle Fork and Main Salmon

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:41 pm
by milkman
Oddly enough, I still haven't done the lower Salmon, though I put together a video recently for some friends that did. Snow Hole looks fun.

Re: Canoeing the Middle Fork and Main Salmon

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:59 am
by Old_Guy

Really enjoyed the video, even watched it twice! It was so good my 14 year old son watched it from start to finish.
Thanks for sharing.