C1 playboat help/advise

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C1 playboat help/advise

Post by mokayaker »

I’m a k1 looking to convert a playboat into a C1. I heard that because of the height differences that I would need a longer playboat than what I usually paddle k1. I was just wondering what people thought about this. This boat would be a project boat and something I would only park and play with. Looking for any advice or if you know anyone with a cheap boat, I’m open to anything. I'm 5'11 175lbs dry. Thanks.
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Re: C1 playboat help/advise

Post by Mikey B »

Not necessarily longer...but wider is better :)
I think most of the playboats you like as a kayak also work pretty well as C-1's these days. If you want it for pure park and play I'd opt for a medium size for your size. The larges tend to feel more stable but a medium would be easier to throw around.
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Re: C1 playboat help/advise

Post by Paddle Power »

As a C1 paddler, if you want the same speed as a kayaker, then a yes, as a C1 paddler you may wish to have a longer/faster hull because you only have one blade.

But for park and play, you are most likely not concerned about keeping up kayakers in terms of speed on the water.
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