I have been paddling an Option for about two years now and my roll has been iffy. In whitewater I'm getting a little better than 60% of my rolls, in a pool closer to 95%. The problem seems to be at the very end of the roll. Yesterday Jordan Poffenberger looked at my form and couldn't see anything wrong but his father had a suggestion which makes a lot of sense.
Keeping the center of gravity as low as possible at the end of the roll is a good thing. Due to the design of the saddle it isn't possible to lay flat on the front air bag. A simple solution is to trim down the foam between the paddler's waist and the front thwart.
I'll let you know how it works
being a newb boater I offer up my words with all do caution and respect. I hear you on getting the boat set up just right for you. I found the Option to roll extremely well, and so would also consider scrutinizing my technique further.
I've noticed that if I'm struggling at the end of a roll it is "usually" from poor form in the beginning. This is assuming I'm not pinned or the like. On a recent float on FrenchBroad Sec.9 I was trying out a small c1 "thus working on my roll" when a fellow boater pointed out that I was initiating my hip snap too early, or too deep, in the water. I was sort of rolling sometimes, but not even close to what you might want if for example you were to "need" your roll. After working some more on this I find that a huge wind up, with my head almost surfacing, has been really snapping me upright quickly. The position is somewhat uncomfortable until you become accustomed to stretching that far, but until then the bigger a stretch the better. The brace at the end of the roll is more steadying than righting. Happy practicing, good luck.