Big hole in the stern, cracks about 2 feet long, chines a little buggered up. But the price was right
The plan is for it to end up as a tandem.
Total budget for the project: about $50, give or take a bit. As I am nothing, if not cheap. Bags, saddle, other outfitting recycled from another boat in the fleet. So really the only expense is in repair material.
I'm attempting to do the largest part of this with ABS/acetone goo. Again, cheap. We're not on a Gflex and Kevlar budget here. The other theory I have is that being an constructed of ABS, It makes sense to use a like material to repair it.
Anyway, step one: Attack it with power tools.
The destructive implement of choice here is a Rotozip with a V-groove bit for the cracks, and a spiral bit for removing big chunks of delaminated abs.
Cracks drilled at the ends and grooved out:
Delaminated chunks removed:
Chine filled in with several coats of goo:
More to come in a bit, My Bow man wants to play "Go Fish"