Does anyone want to have a open boat rodeo at the nationals?

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Does anyone want to have a open boat rodeo at the nationals?

Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

It would be nice to have a canoe rodeo in 2006 with more than 3 or 4 competitors. Would anyone be interested in having one at the open canoe national in Charlotte in summer '06 even if it's "unofficial"?

It could be the open canoe national rodeo. I'm confident that Craig, Roy, Eli, Psycho, etc would be interested. It would be nice to get some more people though and have a class of 15 or so people.

Also, I would be interested in having a "traditional class" where the boats would have to be say 10' or longer (it would b enice to see some big open boat enders)
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Craig Smerda
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Post by Craig Smerda »

I'm in if they have a spot for it.

I think a long boat--big a$$ ender class would be a hoot... and watch out for Roy... he used to launch his Ocoee o-u-t of the water.

count me in

Post by Louie »

I want to fill the same role as I did at all the othere I was in , take up time to give the serious rodeo stars a little rest between their runs. Now about judgeing, please no profession judges or kayakers. divid the group in two and let them judge each other.
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Craig Smerda
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Post by Craig Smerda »

There will be no judges or scoring... remember rodeo is dead :cry: but that doesn't mean we can't have a good time.
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

Not so fast Craig. I say we try Louie's plan (the old hades hole canoe model).

Divide into two groups and each group judges the other one (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd judging; not kayak point judging). Then the top two from each group duke it out with everyone else judging.
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Post by CosmikDebris »

I'm game if someone will lend me a boat. I'd help judge too. I actually have some previous judging experience (Team trials on the Black)...

I don't know Dooley

Post by Louie »

Craig might have a better idea. No judgein , no AWA, just fun it could work this time if we don't "f" it up.
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Craig Smerda
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Judging just sounds too harsh for our old weary bones--- maybe we can call it "critiquing"?

Hopefully Eli still has our OC points system from '04 Team Trials laying around. It focused more on OC moves and I liked the system for our needs. You didn't get points for five spins, but you got each move counted once (spin left, spin right, shuvit, ender, back ender, etc.) which motivates you to have more variation. For regular competition (worlds, etc.) we aren't even asking for this... but at our own events we can do whatever we want.

Can we just drink beer

Post by Louie »

and go in the hole when we need to cool off?
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Post by grinner »

Does anyone where i can find a printable version of the point scoring. I live in england and there might be a club compettion going on so if i could get the OC point scoring system then it would be great. Better then having the kayaking scoring system. :evil:
paddling a flooded canoe is easy. stopping is easy as long as you have some kayaks to help you stop.
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Post by CosmikDebris »

Put a post on looking for Gary Mullins...he may even be on here. He could probably hook you up. I'm not sure what his email is or I'd give it to you...
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Post by Craig Smerda »

It wasn't anything fancy... just logical.
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Post by kaz »

If someone wants to hold a rodeo event at Open Canoe Slalom Nationals in Charlotte, NC in 2006, I would think you need to discuss it with the slalom committee chairperson and the slalom nationals event organizer.
Do rodeo events have a slalom race at their venue?
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Yes and No... we are all using brand new shiny Millbrook boats-- demo's of course. :D so bring extra materials and resin. Although Eli has wave-wheeled a Spark off a waterfall....hmmm? :wink:

I'm certain :wink: Dooley and our southern friends are already talking to the organizers about this and making the appropriate arrangements.
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

The last thing I would ever want to do would be get bogged down with a beurocracy debating rules and trying to set up an official rodeo :evil: (remember rodeo is dead anyway becasue of this)

I'm talking about getting 15 people together at a hole and having an unofficial rodeo with two groups judging each other (I like Craig's scoring system) Nationals would be a logical place to do this since that's the only time there are ever 15 canoers at the same place (with small plastic boats).

I'm also up for a big boat ender showdown at hades hole if we can talk the Craigs and Roys of the world into driving a couple of more hours.
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