Bearboater, are you in the Lake Tahoe area? If so, we should do some boating together! I live right down the block in Reno.
The Finikymeister and I are becoming good friends after a sometimes rocky start. One thing about switching boats though - it can help you to grow and change. Unfortunately, I had alot of growing pains. Most of that pain occurred with a converted Perception Stikine .
i am as a matter of fact in truckee right now, (skiing at squaw tomorrow with some friends) then i have no plans for the rest of my stay here. I will be here till tuesday. however i don't have a boat. :( , i'll have access to a computer tomorrow,
race boats are so fast, i bet its in the speed wing.
Oh yeah, that's right. You live in Montucky. For awhile there, I was getting the impression you were living in the Tahoe area. Enjoy the skiing.
im planning on taking another road trip down here with a boat in april, to paddle, and see some collegiate rugby. when i come back, ill send you an email.
3 days till i can paddle again. yay!
hope the rest of the spring goes well.
race boats are so fast, i bet its in the speed wing.