
Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by PAC »

I'm working on that! :wink: I keep mentioning how Jacob needs to get big water experience and have one of the local teenagers talking up the Big O so he thinks its the thing to do!
The wife is not keen on the idea but I'm still keeping a low profile with her since I had to use the free Atom as cover for the Fink (thank you very much Mr. CornDog :lol: "Look honey what I got for a 12 pack of beer!!! Isn't that cool!!" as I point at the Atom (not the Fink hidden under a pile of other boats)! :-)
I'll keep you posted as he gets more of a paddling jazz going and she think over providing an official blessing (usually she's good for that 8) - I'm blessed with a great wife)!
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Post by Big Al »

and all I'm sayin is that the Fink is way too big and safe for the pac man.. Definitely more my size boat.......i've got to get the bug in that lovely lady's ear that he needs to shed the fink to poor Alm and start savin for Jake's college education.
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Post by msims »

Not that I mind paddling the river with yakkers. As much as their ungraceful floppy paddle down the river is completely uninspiring, They do tend to take the harder lines, surf the more obscure waves, make me want to better my roll, etc..

I'm just amazed that on a river like the Ottawa or a club that was initially founded as a canoeing club there are so very few c-boaters...I find it so hard to even think of giving up a canoe paddle for the training paddle!
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Post by yarnellboat »

A 43-year old canoe club here is in the process of changing its name to a paddling club, to accommodate its growing number of members who are in river and sea kayaks. (But hey, aren't there already other clubs for those things?)

On the other extreme, our club is considering wording to specificy that it's an open canoeing club. Not necessary anything against C-1s per se (I don't think), but they see the tradition of open canoeing as something that warrants protection/promotion. And I suspect some perceive C-1ing as a step towards kayaking and away from open boating, rather than as a step deeper into canoeing.

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