OK Guys, I have seen the various footage of the Worlds but who has some decent CU Fly video footage out there...? Video is good it will help me learn!!
As a fairly new owner of one I am keen to see what people can do in them...
Look forward to seeing what you can come up with....
Man! That Smerda video is awesome!
I have only paddled the CU Fly once. I had a hard time completing my roll because I kept hitting that very tall cockpit rim. OUCH!
Just curious... in the first video clip, are you rolling up on your high-brace sweep (instead of going to a low-barce set-up)? It's hard to see you paddle blade, but it seems like you roll up using "a kayak" roll?
I'm coming from bigger OCs where I always roll with a low brace, but in the C-1 maybe I should try some other rolls.
p.s. Why do you call one roll on-side and the next off-side? In both clips don't you flip to your off-side and roll on your on-side, so what's the dif (other than the back deck, which I get)?
Yes your right!!
This will probably upset the purests, but...When I learnt to roll I used to use the back face std low brace.....however I seem to have developed a liking for the powerface of my blade. I can roll either way, I choose not to....most of the time.
There are a few resons for this, when rolling up you want as much catch on the blade as you can get....On a curved blade that comes from the power face not the back.
It also helps me not to smack the Gunwhale with the elbow on my T grip hand.
The main reason though, it just feels right and works...Try it...I now roll my Zoom the same way and checking another clip even a Freedom solo....