What a really fun weekend! (long)

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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What a really fun weekend! (long)

Post by KNeal »

Ellen and I spent the weekend with PAC and his family at their place near Ohiopyle and it was a great time. Thank you, Paul, and to your family for hosting us and taking the time to paddle some really neat stuff. :D

There were three highlights from this weekend. The first was paddling PAC's converted, and squashed :o , ZWO down Slippery Rock Creek :) . This means that I'm taking a small, strange boat down a small, strange creek. The result? Mostly, the other boaters heard me saying stuff like, "Hmmm, my stern is sunk underwater again!" and "Why does water keep leaking in the boat everytime I go upside down?" :lol: I should have known what the trip down Slippery Rock was going to be like when Paul recommends that I do an otter launch down an 80 degree embankment with a strainer immediately downstream and his comforting reassurance that the sprayskirt I was using was going to stay on just fine--after it really gets wet :o . So, I launch down the steep embankment and proceed to get the skirt really wet, as well as the inside of the boat :x ! The trip was really great. The water level was about ideal and the playspots were very nice, especially if you were clued in on how to play. The other boaters mostly heard me mutter something about water getting in the boat everytime I rolled back upright :roll: . Paul also had some excellent remarks to spectators hanging around the mill dam about the boats we were paddling, my experience on the creek, and who was still in training (hint: it had something to do with the number of blades attached to the shaft) :lol: .

The second highlight came right after dinner the same day on the Lower Yough when Paul and I squeezed into Ellen's and my slalom c-2 and paddled the Loop with a newbie kyacker in tow for his first trip down the river. Talk about a recipe for disaster! :wink: If you want to see something really funny, put two competent solo c-boaters in a c-2 and send them down the river. They both can paddle well, but with two heads thinking about HOW to get down the river can result in really confusing boat maneuvers, a whole lot of paddling flailing and splashing, and LOTS of discussions on how to negotiate the rapid as you approach it, how the rapid should be negotiated as you are running it, and how the rapid should have been negotiated after you get to the bottom. All the while there is a newbie kyacker in tow experiencing his first whitewater adventure on this river all the while watching and listening to two single bladers do a whole lot of talking and miraculously make it down each rapid without flipping once :lol: ! That dude was REALLY stoked by the time we got to the Loop takeout. Paul and I never clobbered each other, but he sure did put up with a LOT of pounding on his back as I was trying to get him to LISTEN TO ME! I want everyone to know that it had nothing to do with control issues or me being a control freak. I just knew what we were supposed to be doing (which automatically precludes Paul's extensive and in-depth knowledge of the rapids :-? ).

The third highlight came from paddling the Lower Yough with Paul and Rock on Sunday, starting with an EARLY wakeup and narrowly missing the early putin cut-off without having to pay (as in the ranger was standing behind me waiting for me to put down the pencil so he could take the clipboard inside :o ). It was an awesome day, and if we had any energy to spend, we would have had an even better time. However, this energy issue certainly gave our group something nice to remember about me, Double Hydraulic, and how dynamic an ender my Atom can get! :roll: I'll let PAC post his observations about this event from his perspective, then I'll fill y'all in about what I can recall. Swimmers was awesome, as always. There was a large group of kyackers sittting on the side when Paul jumped in the hole and proceeded to rule the wave. He invited me to join him, so I did. I should have known better because all I can remember of that short amount of time was Paul beating me with his boat, paddle, and elbows as I was trying to hold onto my front surf, all the while Paul was yelling, "Stay there! I'm gonna cross over your stern!" I know Paul knew what he was doing, but I was NOT having fun, so I bailed. After Paul and I ripped the hole for a while, some of the kyackers got in their boats and joined us. Eric Gehres showed up a few minutes later and REALLY put on a he!! of a good show. While Eric was working his a$$ off and pulling off some awesome moves, Paul and I were next to the hole yelling at him to, "Smile!", over and over again.

That's about it for now, until Paul posts a rebuttal on some of my accounts from the weekend :D .

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Reply - very long

Post by PAC »

No problem Ellen is welcome back any time. As for Capin Bligh – now that is a different matter. :wink:
I’m glad you liked the ZWO and the “Slip”. As for the seal launch - its only a 75 degree 8 foot embankment and that so called tree is only there to keep kayakers from ruining our fun. :) I have to be truthful here you looked like you were having way too much fun in that short boat (Neal had a major smile going on). I did however notice after we swapped skirts that I didn’t have any leakage issues. I think you just were upside down more than you are use to. :wink:
You’re right the level was perfect - it just to bad that is was a busy Sat with a Park Ranger stationed at the dam, so we had to skip running it (the huge strainer pinned in the line had nothing to do with the decision :o ).
Folks total us to be careful but I assured them I had done this before. I did note that this was Neal’s first time on the river and the first time in the boat (they thought I meant very first for both). I also noted that he wasn’t using a training paddle. They thought they were going to see a death. They then freaked as Neal paddled back up into the maul at the base of the dam (“he’s going the wrong way”) :o to get a better look at what we missed. I just told them he was looking to spawn. 8)
Neal nailed Triple Drop and the balance of the rapids playing like a young stud. Making all the right moves to miss the numerous strainers and such! Overall, it was nice paddling on the Slip with another C play boater! PS: Neal the Slip was running at 8’ on Monday compared to the 1’9” we ran it at on Sat. The lines are just a little bit different at that level. :o
Paddling the C2 was a hoot on the Loop of the Lower Yough, as was the timeline leading up to paddling. The sort of it is as Neal and Ellen are out for a quick paddle at the loop put in (Ellen just wanted / needed to get on the water) a young newbie boater (the gear was the tip off) comes up and ask if we are going to do the loop and if so can he join us. I notice he has a water skiing life vest and gloves on (gloves in July?). Not to mention the day glow orange helmet he is sporting. I told him sure but we were going down in a C2. That neither of us had paddled together in the C2 and that we might be a cluster waiting to happen. I also asked how much paddling experience he had and he tells me “16 hours”. Not days, trips, etc. but actual hours. :o Yikes! He seems dead on about the timeline noting he has a roll (upon asking it’s pool only). But seeing his boat, a Corsica, and that he is willing to add to the evening’s entertainment we sign young Ben up to go along with the HMS (Holy…. Mother….of SHI@) Bounty (Neal says he doesn’t know the name of the C2 design – But I can provide one!!! :-? ).
Anyway I decided we would be gentle with young Ben and run the easy route, river right, at Entrance. This we did as Neal kept a river center heading. I’m not sure if Ben appreciated it but I know I’m going to go buy a replacement helmet now. The lad a wavehopper just looked at us as we blew by him with a “thank god that’s not me” look on his face.
Other than Neal yelling and beating me (he said the closeness of the cockpits created this issue :-? ) the run at Cucumber was perfect, except for poor Ben who, like most first timers, swam a majority of it. The rest of the rapids were run perfectly as I figured out how to function in the bow as Captain Bligh ran his tight ship. We even were able to eddy out and wait for Ben (and possible carnage) at the base of Frog’s Back (at Railroad). Ben nailed it – impressive for a first timer. :)
Actually, paddling with Neal in the C2 was a lot of fun and something I would do it again in a heartbeat. I know we were both laughing while we were yelling directions, orders, and un-postable language during the paddled. We actually had some very nice lines that let the newbie off easy as he followed us.
Neal’s not kidding about the Ranger we signed in and dropped off our boats on Sunday AM. We then quickly snuck back to the cars to get dressed.
I was a waste of a paddler on Sunday (still dog tired from my Disney trip and the previous day’s paddling :oops: ) – missing moves and generally getting spanked in places I shouldn’t have. I even nailed some poor K in the facial area as I bow squirted at Railroad and lost my paddle (he came into the seam without realizing I was already there. However, k’s do come in handy when you’re paddle-less (they are easy to grab and roll up on).
However, Neal, ever the big dog, was willing to take it all on. Even the “the move” (a little something that is really easy - if your strong, well rested and don’t mind a beating) at Double H. He made it look easy, missing the all important crux part of the move and having to ender out of the first, and largest, hydraulic. :P I personally think he was just showing off for the gentleman on the overlook rock.
Earlier the run at Dimple was uneventful as we ferried our way down through it as a clinic stood and watched for carnage. Sorry folks no show from us. Even Rock, our group’s token kayaker, aced a sweet run.
As for swimmers – what can I say! Neal said it all “it’s all about the surf” and the Atom was living that motto! I was also trying to be a bit more dynamic than Neal’s Atom would allow. I just couldn’t get the XXX to climb up the pillow and pop the move over the Atom’s stern foam pile. Yes I would climb, but then I would nail Neal in the back or side with my bow (repeatedly I might add), as Neal and the Atom continued to ripped a perfect front surf. Sorry Neal – next time I’ll be on the stick a little more! :oops:
It was funny to see no one in swimmers when we showed up with and lots of K boaters standing on shore. Only to see a line for swimmers 5 minutes later. When Eric showed up he was dialed in tight with his boat and really made it look easy. Very impressive – he even smiled a couple times 8) for the crowd (due to taunting peer pressure). :P
Overall a good weekend and we’ll have to do it again. I might even get a Richmond trip in per your offer. Take care and CU PAC!!
Paul C.
Cboats Moderator
Official TOG Member (Team Old Guy)!

Sounds like a great time you guys!

Post by TessC »

:lol: Wish we could have joined you out there! Sir Adam, J., Guth, Pete, and I had a long day but a great day on the Shenandoah-the level had dropped somewhat but we still had a great boating day.
I'm afraid Sir Adam witnessed first hand why so many people simply don't w/us anymore....a hot, playful, and long day. Anyway, we managed to pinpoint and REMOVE a strainer which was responsible for taking a 23 yr. old's life about a month ago. Very humbling, sobering, and sad. Located pretty much IN a very popular and always benign hole/wave-it was neatly tucked in the greenwater pointed diagonally upstream so you couldn't see it AT ALL unless you were absolutely looking for it and only then the sunlight and water motion had to be perfect to detect it. Couldn't see it at all from the eddy right below it. UGLY!
Sir Adam-our thanks for coming out to play with us - it was great to see you and we WILL be doing the Hudson Armada (sorry Kalin!)
please let us know dates ASAP and we'll try to gather as many folks as we can.
Be safe out there-
Tess (aka Sara) Yes, Doug, I can have a new name too :wink:
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