TR - Lower Black - River Safety - 20080413

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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TR - Lower Black - River Safety - 20080413

Post by cmnypny »

I posted this on another board but I thought I would re-post here as well.

Sunday 13-Apr-2008

I got up around 06:30 to re-pack all my paddling gear. I also had to get the rest of the room packed up and put downstairs in storage in order to vacate the room. I started working on Saturdays trip report and had breakfast. I left just after 09:30 as I had to be at the Lower Black putin by 10am. Kevin and Daryl were pulling onto the street as I was pulling out. They did a U-turn and followed me all the way to the lovely town of Queensborough.

Janice and some of the others were already there. The rest of the armada was slowly showing up. Jim Coffey from Esprit had showed up as well. I forgot to mention in Saturdays report that he came up to me part way through the night and asked me what my plans are for Sunday. I told him the Lower Black and asked if he was going to join us. He laughed and said sure as this would be the first time he would ever be in a Colin Moneypenny trip report. I was glad he was there as this brought the open boat numbers up to two.

I was already dressed for paddling. They others started to suit up and then we did the shuttle. I headed off down river to check out one of the two brand new H20 paddles I had borrowed from Steve Horvath. The first section was a really long flat water stretch and it gave me a chance to check out the paddle. I waited just at the bottom of the first set of rapids for the rest of the gang to show up.

We all headed downriver together and came to the first major set which consisted of catch the eddy on right, ferry over to eddy on left and line up to punch through the hole, catch the eddy on the right and line up to run the four foot drop and punch through the hole.

The river would normally be a class 2/3 run but was a 3/4 plus in some parts based on the water levels and the consequences of swimming. I made the run fine. I just had to sit in the eddy’s for a bit to boat scout but I was happy how things went.

Some of the other runs were huge wave trains. I was hoping to take pictures today but I never had a chance to take a single one. We came to the next set. Andrew was walking back to his boat and said you might want to walk this one. We all got out to scout. It was a huge river wide hole with a small line down the right hand side. Most of us walked it. I think Marie was the first to run. I know Jim, Leah, and Scott ran it. Not sure who else did as I was dragging my boat through the trees across the snow to get in the eddy below.

We ran another set of smaller stuff before coming to the set with the falls and that is where my day went to total crap. The start of the run had three huge waves in it. I punched through the first two fine and hit the angle wrong on the third and went over.

This would normally not be a problem as we would swim side by side as I would tow the boat back to shore. But this happend just above the falls on the river which was not a good thing. I had to let go and swim like hades holding onto a brand new demo paddle from H20 that I did not want to end up paying for. I just made it to shore in time. Thanks to Milt for the quick tow and thanks to Janice for the hand back onto shore.

I was feeling fine but my only problem now is where the hades did my boat go. I don’t think any of the others that were ahead of me had either run it or walked around it. I think my boat ended up be the first one to run the falls. I hiked up and over to the eddy below the falls. No boat. I looked further down the river no boat. At this point I figured holy crap I’m screwed and had a long walk out ahead of me. Scott asked me if I wanted to swim behind his boat and he we tow me down the river. Slight problem cold water and no drysuit. I only had dry top and pants. I told him I would be better off walking. At least I was toasty warm and had proper footwear on and had a paddle to probe the snow/water with.

So after hike through waist deep snow, walking up a creek, and through a couple of ponds, onto a snow covered ATV trail which led to a dirt road for a combined total of 3km. I managed to get back to the river and saw Milton. They still had found my boat. I went back up the hill and Pauline came out of here house and asked me what the scoop was. I explained to her what had happened and she offered me a ride back out to the highway otherwise it would have been another 5KM walk down the dirt road. I graciously accepted.

She dropped me off and I thanked her for the ride. I scurried the banks of the river along the highway hoping to see my boat in the calm part of the bend. No boat. I stopped and talked to Linda who lived on the river. She took my name and number and would call me if it showed up. I also asked her to let other paddlers know I was going back to the car if they came by. I am walking back along the highway when another paddler picks me up. He gave me a ride back to where the car was. A couple of the group was back. Janice was glad to see I made it out of the woods ok.

They actually found my boat just shortly after I got my ride out. It was about 4KM down river from the falls. It had apparently ran the long canyon section and two other sets of rapids all by it self before ending up in an eddy. The pumps were apparently still going and all my gear including the other brand new H20 paddle was still in the boat. Luckily I have an extra bag cage where all the gear gets stored in so it does not dangle below the boat when it is upside down. I would like to now if boat was found right side up or upside down.

Marie had graciously paddled my boat back while someone else towed her kayak. Thanks to all for getting my boat and gear back. Now for the final test. Was the camera ok. I opened the Pelican case and it was bone dry.

I got changed and started saying goodbye to the gang. Jim came over and said it was nice paddling half the river with you. I headed back to Queensborough for some snacks. I bought a whole apple pie and a hamburger. The town folk get together when paddlers show up and make pies and other tasty treats for sale. I ate my hamburger and put the pie in the car to have at home. I talked to some of the other boaters that had run the Upper Black. They said it was full on big fun.

I headed back to the B&B to get the rest of my stuff. I had to totally empty my car onto the driveway. I was going home with more stuff then I came with I was shuttling back some stuff for a friend. The guys at the B&B did not think I would get the big pile of stuff into the car but I am the king of pack.

So all in all paddling was great until the swim.

Lessons learned:

Yes it was a bummer that I had to walk out but at least I had the proper footwear and gear on to do it. It is amazing how many paddlers in the smaller boats are only wearing fleece bottom or minimal footwear not appropriate for walking long distances in.

I was nice and warm. I had food and a lighter in my pfd and a paddle to use as a walking stick. I new which way I had to go and was always aware of where the river was.

I made it back safe and sound to the car. It could have been worse. I could have been stranded or spent the night in the woods.

I told Janice and the others I was going to post the lost boat notice followed up by this report and we could use it as a safety reminder about spring water paddling. I was very surprised when I got a call at home last night from Neil asking me if I was ok … thanks buddy. My thanks also goes out to the others who responded to my post in a positive way.

If anyone else from this trip wants to add their two cents worth about river safety or other concerns then chime in.

Until next time be safe out there.

FYI This is what was posted in the lost post:

Ok so here is the scoop.

Besides losing my pride today I also lost my battleship.

She decided that enough was enough and made me walk the plank and have an out of boat experience.

This would normally not be a problem as we would swim side by side as I would tow the tug back to shore.

But this happend just above the falls on the river which was not a good thing.

I had to let go and swim like hades holding onto a brand new demo paddle from H20 that I did not want to end up paying for. I just made it to shore in time. Thanks to Milt for the quick tow and thanks to Janice for the hand back onto shore.

The only problem now is I am missing the following:

1. The battleship ... blue Vertige-X with quite the sticker collection on it.
2. Orange Pelican case with camera gear.
3. Throwbag and water bottle.
4. Most of all anoth brand new H20 paddle with the green team blade that I did not have a chance to try out.

So after hike thru waist deep snow, walking up a creek, and thru a couple of ponds, onto a snow covered ATV trail which led to a dirt road for a combined total of 3km. I managed to hitch a ride for the other 5km back to hwy 7.

Hopefully my boat shows up somewhere!

Not sure when I will get around to the TR's from the Salmon and the TR from today. I am just too beat up and tired.

PM me if you find the boat.

Keez ... it could have been worse it could have been your Nitro!
Official TOG Member (Team Old Guy)
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