how many rivers have you run?

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how many rivers have you run?

Post by Joey »

i was just curious to see how many rivers folks have run. i know a lot of people who never seem to leave the small area that they live in. my favorite part of boatinf is doind new fivers. i also wanted to know what where peoples favorite rivers, creeks, playspots, etc... i guess it would also help to know how long people have been boating. just to put some perspective on things. i thought this might give folks some new rivers to think about.

as for me, i think i have done somewhere around 80 different runs. ive be paddling for almost 10 year (3 in a oc-1, and 7 in a c-1).
favorite river: upper gauly(WVA)
favorite creek: green truss of the white salmon(WA)
favorite play spot: salida hole(CO)
some of my other favorites are:
numbers or the arkansas(CO)
upper yough(PA)
cascades of the nantahala(NC)
maury river, goshen pass (VA)
golden canyon on the S.F. clearwater (ID)
upper telico (NC)


Post by aldenb »

i just did two of your favs this summer, myself: cascades and upper yo'. we did a low water run down the cascades during an NOC slalom training camp -- we had, let me see, 5 c-1s and 4 'yaks banging down! good fun.

i ran the upper yough for the first time this summer -- i put-in and went down by myself, and i knew i was looking for bastard falls, the first "rapid" after some cl III stuff. anyway, i made it down some neat rapids that could've been cl III. i finally ran into some boaters below what i thought was bastard. turns out it was national falls! i had just run all the hardest rapids, thinking they were the boogie water! guess i was expecting something insane . .. anyway, that is truly a great river.

i have two favorite rivers. one is the new haven river in bristol, Vermont. a very sick cl IV creek with tons of fun, unique rapids and the easiest 15ft waterfall in the world. every rapid is totally different and also extremely fun. reminds me of a steep upper yough.

my other favorite is the potomac because it's got everything. this summer i would take my slalom c-1, slam down the fishladder (some cl V slides which are more than fun) do a killer attainment up the gorge to O-Deck, then surf that huge wave where you can get your whole slalom boat out of the water on an ender. then maybe go try to get 360s in the maryland chute in a 13 ft boat (always impressive to playboaters!) anyway, that river has everything
take care
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I agree!

Post by jdschall »

I have k1 buddy that lives in Chattanooga and it is like pulling teeth to get him off the Ocoee. That's all he ever paddles.

Me, in 3 years I have paddled in at least 8 states and a whole bunch of different rivers (25-30?). My favorites have been: Upper Green (NC), Wilson's Creek (NC), Dead (ME), anything on the Cumberland plateau (TN), Davidson (NC), Maury (VA), New (WV) , Little (TN) and my not favorite but home river is the Haw (NC).

My Mazda has many miles - most of which are from burning up large sections of I40.

Later, Dave
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Post by Timzjatl »

I was counting the other day and I'm over 15 now... I love new runs, and also the old favorites too...
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rivers rivers many rivers os little time

Post by NZMatt »

Let me think now....I've been paddling about 5 years and in that tiem have paddled in many different places, mainly in the NE. What've we got here....I think about 37 (add another 10 if multiple sections of the same river count independently) rivers, 8 states or provinces and one river in New Zealand. I also love exploring new rivers and finding new places to paddle. Many of these I've only paddled once, but some I've been to many times. Whenever you're on the river the day is good.

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