Okay I'll weigh in with my $.01. I believe at one point of our run on the Middle G that May (the "happy kayaker") referred to herself using those exact words. Seems everyone from Canadian has a "story"! So lets just end that train of post.
What I will say about May is that kayaker hangs in there. I saw her hang in and work her roll over very long sections of fairly "funny", pushy big water and come up smiling! You just have to love that in any boater!
KNeal - as for the tie down... ahrrrr ... I'll hit the climbing shop today for more. I'll get that unsafe climbing webbing from you some time next year! LOL
Yep I'm getting too good at fixing flats - not a skill I'm enjoying mind you!
I didn't know about the "almost a bug on the grill" experience. Yikes - that would have really sux'd!
As for red lights I forgot to mention that although I did have an adult beverage at the take out - pre-key issue - I only had one (okay two) and then focused on dealing with the issues at hand. Therefore, dealing with the National Park Police was not an issue (finding the only on duty police for 180K acres that night in the middle of no where was sheer luck) nor was the 10PM county sheriff DUI check point right outside the Fest (next to Lowes). Where I had to turn off my vehicle, give up my drivers license, owners card and insurance, all while acting polite and smiling. Lucky I didn't have to explain the drooling / sleeping 13 year old in the back seat or the grummy keyless old man sitting next to me.
But then what are G-Fest's for but for experiences in life!
Paul C.
Cboats Moderator
Official TOG Member (Team Old Guy)!