Give me a call, Marshall, and we can either talk about your paddling or see if we can actually get together on the James and do some paddling. Then we can decide what will work.
The C-boaters' Gauley weekend IS an advanced/expert paddlers' trip so MAKE SURE you have some background for this kind of paddling:
- technical/big water paddling requiring on-the-spot boat scouting,
- capable of following verbal instructions (or be willing to accept the penalties for missing the necessary moves

- have reliable self-rescue skills
- have the appropriate paddling and rescue gear
- and MOST IMPORTANT willing to have a great time with some REALLY cool single bladers

There are plenty of other runs in the area (one of the many beauties West Virginia has for us paddlers) that are great for more intermediate/advanced boaters who do not feel up for the bigger challenges of the New River Gorge or the Gauley. Remember, the Fest is one of the draws for paddling that weekend. Come up, paddle, and get to the fest

One final note to Joey. Ellen is driving up Friday night and is looking for someone to share the ride. Is your girlfriend going up? Is she able to go up Friday with Ellen? Let me know. Thanks!
P.S. And now, it is off to the Outer Banks with the boats for surfing (body and boat), running, paddling, lighthouse visiting, and restaurant eating
