Green narrows turned into ocoee

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Green narrows turned into ocoee

Post by oopsiflipped »

Walk sunshine and gorilla, go right at go left, run right at niece's, don't get greedy at all American boof. It's pretty much a class three run. DEfinitely not any harder than th ocoee, right Louie? :roll:
Larry Horne
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Post by Larry Horne »

:o :o carefull there...last i checked, 178 fpm didn't add up to class three..
i've never been out there, but i've been around enough to smell a beat-down in somebody's future. :wink:
east, west, north or south..we got the same river gods

Post by Louie »

I have never run Sunshine and Gorrila so I have to agree with you on those, I don't know of a sneak at Frankstien so that one is harder than anything on the Ocoee, Boof or conserquencies well I think the sneak is a bitch so that one is also harder, Power slide and Rapid tranist even when I do them right they seem dam hard too me but them again I don't have on a kilt like you do so maybe with that protective garment you wear they are not much harder than hummongus if you run the meat of the hole and don't skirt godzilla. I think speed trap is sticker than anything on the Ocoee but I could be wrong. If you carry speed trap and do the seal launch that always get my heart goin more than any thing on the Ocoee but again that is just me. I hate messin up and goin into ninces pieces. Oh I forgot Chief which ain't that hard as long as you don't make even the slightest of mistakes. Go left and die: well I have gone right and though I was goin to die so that one is harder also I am always so happy to be past sunshine I only remember on any other river this rapid would have a name and hammer factor, and at hammer factor well even when the buttboater and kilt wear compliment me on how well I ran it, it seem to me that I screwed up, but they have a better view of my run than I do, particularly the part when me and the boat are always underwater. I don't even know which one coloner nicest is so I can't comment on that one Oh ya Grove tube I think was easier at 200 % than it is now, but that is just me. I am sure you have run the Green more than once at 200% right? You have to remember by 1989 when I did the
Green for the first time I had alread been runnin the Ocoee for eight year so I did and still do know it better than the Green and I was in an Encore. With you limited number of runs on both I would guess you are in a better position to make that judgement than me about which is harder. Also with you protective kilt and really fashinable pink helment I mean heck just because you found an openboat a little too hard for you I can understand why you would try to make up for.....well you did swim baby falls twice in one run. No I'll have to say while I have done at least six or seven runs in the US and one in Mexico that are much harder than the Green I just can't see the Green bein easier than the Ocoee. However if I ran both of them as bad as you do I can see how you would feel they are both equally hard.

Post by Louie »

Larry you don't know Gabe, he has.... well lets just say issues. He is just bein Gabe, I can and have had lead people down the Ocoee who have said " you are right that ain't much harder than the Hiawassee with those lines" I believe last week was the first time he ran the Green and I don't see him leadin too many people down the Ocoee let alone the Green. Also well that time he saw Joe get his army boot type of bootie traped at Jarried knee on Tellico kinda scared him, my son Chad was upset also, but Chad has the abilty to move on. I am just glad Joe wasn't as upset as either one of the other two and I don't think he blames me as much as Gabe does. Or he blames me for the time I found him lost on Hwy 411 and told him he could run Tellico with me and Swimmin Mexican and he swam baby falls twice in the same attempt. I really don't know why that up set him so bad hades he ended up with one less swim than Swimming Mexican I think it was six to five, If I had know he was goin to get so up set about me havin people step up to a run a little harder than what they should have been on, like Joe, I would have left him drivin around on Hwy 411 lookin for the Tellico instead of takein him
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Post by CosmikDebris »

Larry Horne
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Post by Larry Horne »

i tried but i just can't read your post. i'm not the grammar police by any means, but is that one sentence?
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Post by cheajack »

Perhaps some commas should have been semicolons, but Louie is consumate stream of consciousness in word and deed. That's what makes him Louie and very special. Don't go pickin' on my man!

Post by Louie »


Post by Louie »

I was feedin the baby and typin at the same time
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Post by Larry Horne »

not pickin... just sayin it's too much work to read more than one or two lines in louie...i get lost in there.
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Here's my take on the Green from two limited evaluations at whatever they call 100%.. or 200% or according to Eli "the old 100%".

Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof... calm water... Boof Boof Boof Boof... rapid... Boof Boof Boof... eddy out RFN and walk around Gorilla or get funky with the notch and monkey"... put in... Boof, hit the hole and swim or swim, get chundered or die... Boof Boof... hit or miss lines at Rapid Transit... Boof Boof Boof, don't miss the eddy above Sunshine... Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof.. and keep Boofing until you hit the takeout. Somewhere between all the Boofs you take strokes, hit eddies and pretend you might be on a river. It's hectic... not to be taken lightly... and BUSY, BUSY, BUSY.

As I said... if the Green were in my backyard I'd be on it as much as possible to dial it in because it's really a FANTASTIC river... but it should never be taken lightly and there are bigger consquences than most of "those video's" show... I've taken a good beating in a few spots at high flow on that river and nearly taken a cheese grater ride at normal flow at R/T. I was fortunate to catch a rope at the higher flow above R/T... circumstances didn't work in my favor far above when I played human submarine but it was touch and go no less. Of the two times I've been on it... I didn't run the notch or Gorilla... and avoided and pulled a skilled kayaker from the brink of destruction at Sunshine.

The Green is a river I'd highly suggest learning... but I only personally know a fistfull of C-boaters that have "mastered" it... and they don't F around on it either... :wink:

Post by Louie »

Well Larry I was really hurt, I think you might be the first person to say anything about my spelling, grammer, and typin. And as I am sure you know by now I am really a sensitive guy who lives and dies by what other people think about me. I know you can tell this is true by my muted comments and concern for PC;ness. I will always put form and style about what I believe to be true and honest. I guess it must be the Yankee in me. I plan to take a remedial spellin, Yankee english, and typein class and won't post again till I have completed the course, fortunatey( for me if not the rest of you) I have found a ten minute class on line that covers all three of these subjects.
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Post by cbcboat »

Now that was nicely writted :D

Post by Louie »

Thank you and you do realize when I am doin a paper goint to the Nuclear Reg. Agency, it looks a little different that what I put on an internet chat room
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Louie wrote:Thank you and you do realize when I am doin a paper goint to the Nuclear Reg. Agency, it looks a little different that what I put on an internet chat room
more vowels? :lol:
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