UY vs. Tellico

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by Alden »

"I have probably around 20 UY runs this season so far. . ."

Lengthy, still not sure if I know who you are, but I have a feeling. Do you paddle a red boat? Say hi next time if you see a C-1er in a blue Burn. Maybe I'll join you guys for an open boat run one of these days too.

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Post by Craig Smerda »

Eli wrote:I've seen Louie swim over Baby Falls, but I haven't seen his evasive maneuvers put to the test...
:lol: subtle Eli...

Post by Louie »

I think he is talking about the time I swam over the fall for Al daughter. I left my boat above the drop and told her if she wanted to run it I would swim it first to show her it was OK.

Decker you talkin about boatin in the south is sorta of like you talkin about politics, not really you area of expertise.
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Louie... is there any particular reason you insist upon trying to muck up this paddling forum with your social or political feelings which may or may not be the same as mine or anyone else's?

Why don't you just get back onto Boatertalk's LL and do it there again? I don't see anyone else in this forum bringing that kind of stuff up in here... other than you.

This message board actually does have an off-topic zone that you might consider utilizing in the future if you want to keep sharing your non-paddling thoughts, feelings and opinions...

Post by Louie »

I think he is talking about the time I swam over the fall for Al daughter. I left my boat above the drop and told her if she wanted to run it I would swim it first to show her it was OK.

Decker you talkin about boatin in the south is sorta of like you talkin about politics, not really you area of expertise.

What wrong Decker does the truth hurt? Beside seem like that post is about boatin, even the comparison I made about you is half boatin.
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Louie wrote:What wrong Decker does the truth hurt? Beside seem like that post is about boatin, even the comparison I made about you is half boatin.
What truth are you referring to Mike? The one that's purely in your head?

If you care to continue this conversation... you have my number and my email address... feel free to dial it or start tapping on your keyboard.

I can't see how this paddling thread can benefit from continuing on with our own differences. Do you?

Post by Louie »

The truth that you don't know much about boating in the south or politics, lack of reseach. heck I know my spelling is bad but I don't think I miss spelled any of the important words.

Admin's please kick me off this board before Decker pull a Tomcat on you
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Louie wrote:Admin's please kick me off this board before Decker pull a Tomcat on you
I disagree... you should stay on here. You actually are an asset to the c-boating community on many levels. As for your personal feelings about other things... we probably agree more than we disagree. Maybe you can't see that. Stay Mike... just keep the other stuff off this portion of the board.
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Post by jscottl67 »

Heck, I thought this was a mine is bigger than yours thread with some good paddling stuff that hijacked the thread sneaking in from time to time ;)

Post by Louie »

me too, while I am a sensitvie 90's type of guy, this just goes to show even I can learn from an expert. On a lighter note, look like the first part of Sept I will be workin near Maryland, so I might get to find out just how serious they are about that not runnin the fall on the Yough they are.

Post by Louie »

Now you are an Admin on here and the kiddy pool also? The truth is the truth even when you don't let peole say it. It has almost a year since I've boated up north so in Sept I'll be takin my boat up there with me for a four week job and boat up there as much as time will allow. That way when I make some comment about northern boatin I will have a little "recent" experience. It hard to talk with any creidabilty with out any reaseach or experiences to back it up.

Now if I can just figure how to get my boat to South Korea early next year.
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Post by PAC »

Hey folks ...lets take a huge step back from the negative tone that runs through this thread as to sniping and smack talk.
The Admins will leave this thread up but are watching it. If you need to dis on others there are other forums available for that.
Thank you!
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Post by gumpy »

louie i'm not sure what's in that area as far as whitewater, but if it rains around here there's a few things...may be a step down for you though :roll:

Post by Louie »

a third of my boatin trip the last two month have been on rivers like the Nanty, Hiawasuee, and Tuckacheege with the wife, 12 yr old, 8 yr old and 7 month old. Unless you take me to a lake anything has to be better those those. I will do almost any river once on either end. I plan to hit Atlantic city for poker in the evenings after work, so I figure I will have the weekend open for boating.
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Post by Lengthy »

Alden, I usually paddle a purple outrage there (it was the only color available at the time). We usually don't put on before 1:45 and we party the whole way down the river, I used to be a guide, so I never see most of the crowd and the folks I do see usually aren't down with the party so they tend to stay away. However, I'll keep my eyes open for you and say hello but I fully understand if you don't hang with our kind, but if you do cool. Also I usually try to stay away on saturdays and boat on mondays and fridays as long as my schedule will allow.
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