I am 50% sorry

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I am 50% sorry

Post by Louie »

Since May these two have boated two or three time a week ( Jell has even seen the formation of his fan club, currently with two member countin himself) but have only used the put in and take outs on only two rivers the Ocoee or the Tellico. Some people ( all of us) felt they were gettin stale, they always had one viginal infection or another which prevented them from goin to the Green, Gauley, Yough, Cheoah, Russell Fork. However Yesterday in an attemp to stave off a no confindence vote in his co-presidency of the GDI. Jeff lead Dan (totelly unbenontesed to Dan) off on an epictrip down the Bald. The only way Jeff was able to pull this off was to park trucks at the nornal Tellico take out and tell Dan that they had done some road work since Friday ( their last trip down Tellico) and we were usin a new put in. Dan was hear to ask at the bottom of all the drops " was that babies"and "where is Hamburger(AKA meatgrinder)". Side note in an effort to position himself for a challanges for election to Jeff current position Alax (swimmin Mexican) did run all the drops, PLG havin no political assperation chose descresion over valver maybe trice. Havin done Dan in anyway Jeff chose to insist that we slow down durin the trip, that we weren't in any hurry. When we got to the take out at 1800 Dan informed us it was his wife birthday and he had to be home before 1900. We told Dan after the 45 minute (one way ) we would get him home as quick as posible.PLG got two roll yesterday with only one swim. Richard pinned under a tree only one time and looked great. I had to go with out a helment so the group woulsdn't think it was too hard of a run. PAt and Adam spend most of the day wonderin what the hades they had gotton into and wishing they had their plastic boats instead of their brages ( profits).

So to Dick and Doopey for usin a new put in, but not a new take out I offer a heartfelt 50% I sorry I called you....what ever it was I called you that you took umbridge too.

P.S. I am glad Dooley and Chad weren't there, they would have boath run the Sucideslide and I wouldn't have liked runnin it with out a helment. Video will be out soon.
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Post by ncdavid »

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Post by Standingman »

ncdavid you must know Louie. I think he believes his own press clippings. He only swam three times on Bald river. That was more then Fred. I have to give it to him though I probably would not have done it if he had not set it up. 8)

Post by Louie »

I swam twice.
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Post by ncdavid »

Never had the honor of meeting Mr. Lewis, but every time I read his posts I have that image in my mind of Gabby Johnson lecturing the good folk of Rock Ridge. Once I heal from my back surgery, I hope to join the GDI for a trip or two. Might even make it to ALF.
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Post by Standingman »

Very perceptive of you, that was a good one. Look forward to seeing you at ALF. It is all in good fun. 8)
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

Not quite sure what "valver" is...but I do have a political aspiration. I have been thinking VP of BS or Chair of the GDI Rules Committee. Both are good positions within GDI since the BS is always deep and the rules are neither maintained or enforced, ie "helmet, life jacket, and paddle are all your need".

Although, the new Louie definition of a swim I like...Anytime you are separated from your boat and you didn't want to be. This means I hardly ever will swim again, because, normally, I want to be separated from my boat at that point.
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Post by Standingman »

Fred you have my vote for both 8)

Post by Louie »

I don't think you should bring up dirty laundry the way you pulled that coup and ousted the rules committie of one. Doin that to a man with a bad toe.
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

As the new VP of BS and Chair of the Rules Committee I promise to do my best and uphold the values of the GDI and my constituents. Thanks for the vote Jeff.
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

As a newly elected official in the GDI, I vote for Swimming Mexican as new co-president of the GDI, replacing the "Real" Jeff Richards. Since I have decided it only takes one vote to replace a person I have yet to meet or to fill a newly created position, congratulations Alex.
If common sense were the prevailing wage, I'd always be broke.

Post by Louie »

Unreal Jeff Richards, are you goin to stand for this? It is a slipley slop , first they get rid of the read Jeff Richards you know the unreal Jeff Richards is next to go. What next will Magoo be hold a position ? I think you better get on top of this sistutation ASAP, best to nip this sorta thing in the bud , nip it in the bud , nip it in the buds.
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

Nip this...

As I see it, as newly and duly elected chair of the rules committee, I can fill vacancies in the board as I see fit.

Current GDI Board Positions

Jeff and Alex - Co-Presidents

PLG - VP of BS and Chair of the Rules Committee

Louie - Director of Initiations and Social Butterfly...oops...Director

Dan - VP of Logistics

Chris - VP of Appropriations (he's the only one that ever remembers beer)

All other members - Trustees (But through bribery or coercion may replace/create their own spot on the board)
If common sense were the prevailing wage, I'd always be broke.

Post by Louie »

Well Dick I hope you are hapy for over 39 year, well 30 to the day to be persise we have had the save slate of offices and after you ousted the hurt toe chairmean of the rules committie and "you assumed the position" Fred has step up to fill the gap, so to speak. BTW please tell Doopey what logistics are
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

Since the precedent has now been set, the next elections will be held in October of 2039. If a position becomes vacated due to death and/or apathy, it can be temporarily filled until the next election.

Thank you and Have a Nice Day

The Rules Committee
If common sense were the prevailing wage, I'd always be broke.
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