Canoers talkin "SMACK"

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Canoers talkin "SMACK"

Post by Louie »

I wonder if the same question is ever ask of the butt boater. I think we would all agree that us canoers catch a lot more smack talk than the butt boater do. It has been my exsperence that if you ask a kayaker if he has ever canoed you pretty much get a universal answer of "oh ya back at the YWCA camp I went to we did hunders of trip on Lake Catchme" but if you push them you come to find out that no they haven't done any real whitwater canoein.
One of the main reason we got ALF up was due to the fact that the American Kayakers was publishin an articel every other month by Clay Wright sayin how canoein was dead and heckfire the only reason he is in a buttboat is the TSRA in the late 70's didn't want to take the time to teach him to boat so they put him in a Kayak. Well that and that so called history of whitewater book by Sue Tate.
Ya we may talk a little bit about the buttboaters, but I don't think it is totally uncalled for. Remember Bill Nealy said it was the scared duty of buttboater to tease Canoers. Well what is fair for the goose is fare for the gander.

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Post by Mr.DeadLegs »

Sooooooooo if a group of fresh out newbs wanted to come up to ALF would there be someone, not me, that wanted to lead a teaching/class I/II river trip or two to get the people psyched about open boating?
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Post by marclamenace »

Louie would sure do it. He's doing it all the time, just ask PLG.

The program looks pretty simple: straight ahead into class 3/4, cracking his butt to the swimmers. Think he calls it advance classes right Louie?

I reserved my place myself already for ALF 2030, or whenever I find a spot on my agenda/money and time on my own without the kids.
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Post by cadster »

Louie, you are showing yourself as a bigot by making g.a.y synonymous with bad or weak.

Stick with calling kayakers buttboaters if it helps you vent your feelings of insecurity.

Post by Louie »

No way, I am a lesbien you know, queer for girls. I do believe that now of days when G>A>Y is used. As is "that is so G>A>Y" not really passin judgement on the rightness or wrongness of it: just it oddity, out of the norm, different. As in "Louie ain't wrong he is just different" I wish more guys dated more guys, really helps the herosexual guys chances on a Saturday night. Of course a bisexual really has the advantage kinda like double the chances of gettin luckly.
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Post by 2opnboat1 »

what happened to the good old days when we could bash but boaters and even the thin pointy death trap open boaters and not catch shet from our own.

So here we go Grow a set of ballls and worry about something a little more worth while. If anyone thinks there opinion matters to anyone but them wake up. If we as group spent as much time promoteing our sport as we do bad mouthing each other dam we may have more than a bunch of old men telling war stories. we might have a new generation out running the Shet
Richard Guin
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Post by Louie »

Well the guy that ask the question said he paddles a butt boat more than a canoe so what is he?
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Post by RodeoClown »

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Post by cadster »

Louie, learn a little by looking up g.a.y here:

I also think the block function on this site is perpetuating the idea that the word is only an insult.
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Post by Atucky »


I think the term vagatarian works better for your context then lesbian. Just my .02.
Adam Trunnell

Post by Louie »

Mr deadlegs: yes i will be happy to lead a beginner trip , however to be honest I don't think I would have too, in all the ALF in the past we have always had a group goin on class II every day. If there wasn't a group wantin to do easier stuff I can think of four or five of us that would do it. I bet Richard from Mohawk will, Swimmin Mexican would, Denton. ect. ect.ect.t, ALF ain't about us doin what we do all the time, it is about people who don't, gettin too.

Now to Marclamenace, PLG is a full grown boy who, cut us spent nuclear fuel rods and moon lights as a bouncer in a rough bar, not some 11 year old girl from Canada. Yes he was doin 35 foot water falls on his fifth time on Whitewater on some 1st D in Mexico. Now the eleven year old girl, when we got to the 13 footer and she was a little hesitant to do it I offerered to swim it for her, I did, she ran it. Advance course or not it is tailer to the student. I think maybe you don't approve of my methods, please let me know the way you teach and send me a list of your graduates. Please do some honey do the nest few weeks and see if you can get a kitchen pass come down and boat with us. I'd say you view would change, not necessary for the good but after you met and got to know me you could speak a little more authoritly

Post by Louie »

Cadster I don't to look up the word to know what I mean or ment by it. I do know what it is use for down here and I know homosexuals who will call themself it and be proud of it and unlike the N word who black use to describe themselve, but don't want you to use it the gays I know prefere it.

As far as the block function on this site I didn't install it on here and I don't have to agree with it and you can ask any of the admin ......very few times do I agree with what they think. If they think it is a bad term that would fall under the catorgry of their business. I guess I could have called them crossdresser but I am sure the PC police ( whom I think perhaps you fancy yourself one) would have like that either so to those who took offience all I can say is KOLA.
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Post by TheKrikkitWars »

Louie, from my experience, you're largely right... Most "happy people" don't mind the "G-Word" so much as they do "Homosexual" and all it's derivitives; The context of it used as a generic mild insult/swearword is foggier, and probably not something to be encouraged... but really this is a canoing forum, about canoing; why are the politics of who sticks what into where on whom affecting our ability to talk large steaming pile of dog doo about boating.
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Post by Sir Adam »

We keep it as free flowing as we can, and prefer not to have any word blocks, but the way some folks use words it makes them necessary given that we have multiple cultures, and ages, perusing this forum. We hope to keep it interesting engaging, and neutral ground for all.

If anyone has a problem with it one way or another you are welcome to contact us.

If anyone disagrees greatly with how we run the site, there are many other paddling forums out there... and you can always start your own, as we did!
Keep the C!

Post by Louie »

No problem Adam my only problem is people who jump to conclusion about other people without really know them. heck here I am a hillbilly married to beaner, who had blacks come to my weddin, my neighbor is queer as a football bat,I have even let kayakers spend the night in my house and I have never voted for a republican in my life and somebody who has never meet me says I am a bigot.
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