ALF 2010- Who's coming????

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by philcanoe »

Like that logic, sounds good....
with swimmin Mexican bein sponscered that put him in the Super hero class right. with Dick and doopey not bein that put them in one of the lesser classes
... I'm not sponsored either.

But would think class by number of runs per year, would be more fair... of course it's Richards race.

Post by Louie »

Yes Phil and there is a reson you ain't sponcered but enought about that, ya you are shoe in for the hero class, well unless dooley or Matt decied to run in the Hero class but hey Phill what the heck, third place ain't that bad, oh wait a minute I forgot about some of the Canadians, well there is always the mear mortal class I think you might be able to place in that class....if you have a good day. Reguard less I am pretty sure you will beat most of the ladies....OK some of them.........ya on second though maybe Richard could use another Judge, rescue boat, well I am sure we can find sumthin that meets your skill level.
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Post by gumpy »

probably a good idea not to do blue vs grey as those southerners might just surrender again, that wouldn't be any fun. :lol:
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Post by horizongfx »

gumpy wrote:probably a good idea not to do blue vs grey as those southerners might just surrender again, that wouldn't be any fun. :lol:
For me; boating brings me closer to to something divine, and in a open canoe I'm 8 Inches closer.
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Post by gumpy »

oh i'll be there. last time i saw louie he was dumpin his boat on the uy as i paddled on by. hopefully next time i see him will be the same thing, though i think i'll wait til the bridge is in sight to pass him. :D

Post by Louie »

good thing you said dumpin my boat cause I didn't swim on the UY, but didn't I see you on the UG the next day?
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Post by gumpy »

you got me there, i was on the lg the next day :oops:

by the way, if we race saturday, won't parking be tougher with all the kayakers there? sunday may be better

Post by Louie »

No we will just block them in. It is all rain dependant Santellia or North Chick might be runnin and Tellicowould be the last place we would want to go. Let me get this right you did the UY but then went to LG? I could have sworne that Lenghty and LONGBOATS SAID THE uy WAS THE hard river.
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Post by philcanoe »

gumpy wrote:probably a good idea not to do blue vs grey as those southerners might just surrender again, that wouldn't be any fun. :lol:
But if memory serves me correctly... the Canadians and les Canadiens, beat up on the Yankees and got to keep their country... alway thought this might partially explain why the GDI, always took so fondly to.

Post by Louie »

49/40 or fight......they didn't
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Post by philcanoe »

maybe ..... Fifty-Four Forty or Fight ... but I was thinking of the one's w/England,France, Indians,-n- Yankees

Post by Louie »

Ya you are right 49th was Korea or was that the DMZ in my little adventure. Canada, Korea, Virt Nam they all look the same from the Ocean.
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Post by TonyB »

Seein as my plan is to show up sat night, I would love for it to be later.

Them extra bodies along the road would make a race a bit more convoluted, in my mind.

And even if I could get down there in time, some of us mere mortals could use a warm up first
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Post by 2opnboat1 »

So here is the plans,

Bridge to Bridge mass start, with two groups the Super heros and the Mortels. On the first Sunday High Noon. THe super heros are racing for braging rights and beer. The Mortels are racing for a Mohawk Maxim, and other gear (still waiting to here back from companies to see who will help out).

I would like for there to be an awards ceremoney afterwards with a meal but this will cost. I also would like for there to be t shirts again this will cost. so I am thinking a $20 dollar entry fee this will cover the food and shirts (i think). So give me some input I dont have time to spend on this if no one is going to show to race. How many folks want to race.
Richard Guin
Lazy good for nothing slacker

Post by Louie »

Richard if there is not better water somewhere else I will be there. If something better is runnin and looks like it won't hold and Tellico will I will wate to do Tellico later. Do what you want but all this pre plannin and organization usually only lead to one thing disapointment and I ain't payin no money to boat. Tee shirt, dinner, entry free, you are just settin your self up for a lot of work and headach. It is eveyone fest and the majority rules but I ain't makin no plans at all. Each morning I am lookin at the gague and goin where the water is best, has worked for the last 15 years.
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