I can assure you that we do still allow whitewater canoes outfitted with secure flotation.
Here is what our website quotes in the FAQ section
What kinds of boats are permitted on the whitewater channels?
Whitewater specific kayaks and canoes are the only boats other than guided rafts allowed on the channels. No duckies or inflatable boats are permitted.
Hope that clears up any confusion. If you have any questions feel free to email me fcoffey@usnwc.org
While this is all fine, well, and good on the website, the fact remains that I showed up with a Prelude and a Fly (whitewater specific boats), both outfitted with secure flotation. I was turned away due to open canoes not being allowed. Perhaps, at the risk of sounding snarky, the employees at the center should read the website's FAQ section.
If common sense were the prevailing wage, I'd always be broke.
Well... we rafted (and climbed and did "high ropes") there with the kids and it was fun, in a sense somewhere between a log flume ride and something approximating a river. For us it is 1-2 hours away and may be the only thing running aside from dam release running come late summer. Heck, it was running even when the dam releases were curtailed. So, I ain't excited about it, but that doesn't mean I won't ever go back.