
Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by Judd »

When I initiate with a cross draw, I find that I end up with a lot of twisting momentum, and the boat almost goes into a pirouette. I think I probably need more of a sweeping motion to setup for cartwheeling, just haven't been in the pool enough to fool around and try it.

Grüße aus der Heimat

Post by Steffen »

Hi Jan
Was hilft um immer atmen zu können ist das Paddel soweit wie möglich weg von Dir auf´s Wasser zu legen. Da hast du einen längeren "Hebel"weg um zu balancieren. Hatte das gleiche "abnoe"-Problem. Also auf´n Bug und arme ganz ausstrecken. Ansonsten viel Spaß.

Ebenfalls Grüße aus der Heimat

Post by Raphael »

Hi Jan und Steffen,
was zum Teufel ist ein Bowstall???? Mein Paddel-Englisch ist ja inzwischen ganz ordentlich. Aber da komm ich nicht mehr mit.... :evil:
Übrigens Jan, die ersten Rollen funktionieren. War ein paar Wochen Arbeit und einige Telefonate mit Heinz, aber immerhin!
Grüße übern Teich aus dem Dreiländereck,

Sorry for our german intermezzo! :lol:

Post by Guest »


Steffen, I actually boosted the bowstall time quite bit now. Thanks for the tip(p), will try it next Fri.
Yesterday, I was bowstalling down the Cowichan river until I hit a rock and flipped over. Could't do a screw up, it was way to fast :-)

a bow stall is a flatwater move where you balance your boat vertical on the bow. You can do the same on the stern, looking at the sky.
If youre really smooth, you can do a slo-mo cartwheel: go into a bow stall, then chuck another end, stay in a stern stall then chuck another end.... I am working on that.

Good to hear you got that roll to work!

On the river, Jan
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Post by Alden »

I was very surprised, but it's actually not that much harder to stall with a canoe paddle than with a kayak paddle. I must admit I had a hard time doing it with either type of blade until I got the Groove (a longer, very slicy squirt boat) but now it's not that hard. I think having a lap belt may help too
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Post by Jan_dettmer »

Hi Alden,

yera, I thiml youre right. Last Friday, I could stall for as long as I wanted. With Steffgens secret german tip, I even managed to get enough air :-)

I need a spud boat because I can pump up my delirious but don't get the loop to work... Yea, I think I start shopping for one :-)

Now working on the stern stall. I only hold that one for a few secs.

On the river, Jan
Cone Bone
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German lesson

Post by Cone Bone »


I'll bite - what's the tip?
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Post by Jan_dettmer »'s just stretching your arms so they are far enough forward. Like that you can easily get your head above the water (at least in my boat), take a couple breaths and go back to business under water.

So I have the paddle somewhere close to my tummy to spin the boat or to pump it up and i stretch them out if I want to take a breath.

On the river, Jan
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