I am trying to use the kayak ratchet back rest straps that came with the kayak as straps for my C1 but there are not long enought. Has any one else tried to use them? how do you find them? were the ones that came with the boat long enougth for you? I went into my ski and board shops today but they have nothing untill winter and I don't want to wait a month or two I want to use them now . Do you know where to get longer ones from? or even better what there are called so I can find them on the net and get some. Any help or ideas would be great.
I use the Riot Easy Exit thigh straps, they use it in kayaks but are perfect for C1, and the release sistem is quicker than the snowboard's or backbands's straps.
I used rachets from snowboard bindings and attached them to the middle of shoulder straps from a worn out backpack. The end of the backpack straps are attached to the screw holes for the old k1 seat and I put cam buckles between the ratchets and the attachment to the pack straps for easier release. The straps are underneath the ratchets for padding throughout. Works pretty well, still getting it all sorted.
i went to a local snow board shop and just asked if they had any old snow board bindings around. i ended up getting 2 pairs for $15. they are the exact same thing that riot uses, it just doesnt have the riot logo. they make for an ultra sweet set up. --- joey
Hi Wayne,
I ordered just the easy exit straps. The price was about 50 Euros for the couple. Maybe 50 usd. Ask to your local riot dealer.
I use it in my river runner boats 'couse they are a lot easyer to open than the snowboard straps.