FullGnarlzOC wrote:u can sip ginger ale with ur buddys by the camp fire n talk about how much u enjoy the 'grace and elegance' of a canoe... and I'll be drinkin golden monkeys w/ my buddys. while we made rude comments amount anything and everything because we rnt lame n boring.
Don't EVER diss the ginger ale scene by the campfire!
C-boats Moderator
"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
It isn't the class 5 talk. Its you calling yourself an ambasador for paddle sports. In the last year I paddled canoes, kayaked, rafted, and ran a shredder down the upper yough. I took 40+ people on their first river trip ever, helped 4 people buy their first whitewater canoe, and pulled over 1000 tires out of the new river.
What did you do to help improve paddling as a sport?
FullGnarlzOC wrote:u can sip ginger ale with ur buddys by the camp fire n talk about how much u enjoy the 'grace and elegance' of a canoe... and I'll be drinkin golden monkeys w/ my buddys. while we made rude comments amount anything and everything because we rnt lame n boring.
Don't EVER diss the ginger ale scene by the campfire!
first off.... i never claimed to be an "ambassador"...unfortunately that's what OTHERS EXPECT of you when u go high profile in the canoeing world...because there rnt many ppl that care enough to(go high profile)....frankly, I hate the idea of havin to be an 'ambassador"... its not my style. Im loud mouthed, say what i want, when i want, and have a great time doing it.
I try and help ppl when I can. Luckily... the WW world has thousands of guys just like you... guys that do things for their local rivers, organizations, and get ppl in the sport. And i am grateful for that. We need guys like u.
All i do is get ppl like u in over there heads Every now and then...I'll find a brave sole that is not only willing to do so...but wants it. These are the people that I am focused on... because unfortunately, despite what many think...the future of canoeing is not in class II-III.
All i am trying to do for the sport is change the culture. and help put it on the radar more so than it is.
Btw...i knew you kayaked before you even said it.
Last edited by FullGnarlzOC on Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Paul...did you ever get the chance to see what golden monkeys did to Big Al at cheatfest? I'm sure you have heard the story. That's about as classic of a story as they get.
i would have to agree with cheajack, too bad mohawk didn't pick an ambassador to the sport.
In a canoe you don't just float down a river: you're part of it- a silent water creature responsive to every surge and flex of current, gliding like a fingertip over a naked green body. "The River Why" David James Duncan
Alright Cheajack... now ur hitting below the belt. SO LETS DO THIISSSS
I'm just kidding. I can't really put the 'gloves on' n duke it out with u on here because it's a lose lose situation for me. and if we duked it out in person... its a lose lose situation for you.
instead... since you've been here a lot longer than me and i have been having a 'little to much fun'...you can have ur site back. done with it for a while - its just the same old sht... thats wut u guys dont realize . sorry for trying to add entertainment when the water is low. dont let it get too rowdy without me
ps... of course joe doesnt have a daughter. why.so.serious.
and u guys have no clue the type of "ambassador" i am outside of this forum, off the internet...and on the water.... you talk like u've met me
id like to remind you...most ppl that read this forum r already in the sport... hence the reason why i preach class V, and more so just pushing it when ur on the water(gets u better)... so the talent in the sport gets deeper....heaven forbid right