Bald River video just went up.

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by Longboatin »

Well youse guys were on it, so cant show you nuthin. besides didnt someone post before that some dudes boatd it in OCAs?

Anyway, I really talkin bout the little things, the stuff that makes one look skilld or not. some in the group ran the first micro-ledge, like the bizarro-Nolan, gettin stuck then shovelin water inta the boat.
Give yins the benefit though, it takes time to warm up after long shuttle rides, and after safety meetin people looked a bit smoother. That be my experience too, always a bit more connected after settin safety 8)

Post by Louie »

Remember we do it for the rush it gives us, not the rush people might get from watchin us.
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Post by PincheLocoGringo »

I am glad that other people enjoy watching them, but to be completely honest, the videos are more for me than anybody else. I started making and posting them so that my friends and family could see what I was up to in Mexico. I just found that I enjoy doing it. It is kind of like a video river log. I am only missing a couple of runs.

I thought that particular run was cool and I have the least experience in an OC on the trip. It was the right amount of challenge and adreniline but it gave you time to stop and scout or walk if you wanted to. I chose to walk the first rapid, which Louie ran in my Nitro. I also walked Shallow Falls and Suislide and Bear Creek Falls. I ran the rest out (there are rapids the video doesn't show) with only 1 swim before the Tellico.
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Post by Atucky »

I for one appreciate you putting the time into documenting your trips. There is always something I can learn from watching other people boat. It's also nice seeing creeks that I haven't run before, especially canoeing footage. So keep it up!

There is something great about exploratory runs such as the bald river trip. The whole 1st d thing doesn't much matter to me, although I get the appeal.

Let's do it again!
Adam Trunnell
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Post by dwd58 »

That is right, it is a great learning eperience for some of us that are not up to that class of rapid yet!

Post by Louie »

you are up to it you just need someone to swim them if front of you to show you you ain't goin to die.

and about the 1st d thing, it like Herion it don't sound good till you do it, of course all it lead to is wreckage and ruin, but dam what a trip gettin there
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Post by Larry Horne »

....but I think a first d for louie just means HE or his group hasn't done it.
That stuff was bagged in the seventies, I'd bet.

Post by Louie »

No sir and yes sir, no we know what a 1st D means and yes it was done in open boat in the mid eighties, as I clearly said in one of my post I knew it had to have been done. However perhaps you might want to watch Bullet Creek Video and tell me that was run in the mid seventies.

and remember we don't have a season persay, we boat all year round so the next time you find your bad self out this way, even with out a boat or a Kilt ( I hear you had to give up open boatin), we'll get you one and you can show us all the cool Cali moves. As far as us bnoatin out there well I think I'll save on gas and wait till I've done all of them here.
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