River etiquette question / survey

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river manners

Post by DaveM »

enjoyed the banter on this topic....I think this has become more of an issue as rivers have become more and more crowded and the boating community becomes larger and larger.

Lots of us remember when you knew everyone on the river..clearly not the case anymore.

I recall paddling at GAF about 10 years ago and there were horrible crowds...fortuntately for us we traveled in roving packs of race boats.

After paying the price for using the old river manners of yielding to the river runner and getting bumped out of eddy's or just plain getting hammered by milk jugs we took to using the most effective weapon to make our "point" ie the point of our boat.

Nothing says get out of the way like the point end of a slalom boat barrelling down at you.

One time we were working a rapid and we kept yielding to this milk jugger..over and over we would wait to play and he kept butting in line. After this happenend about 8 or so times, he started out as I started out and I did not back off and caught him sqaure in the ribs with the bow of my boat ..I of course apologized and then told him that I had yielded to him a half dozen times and thought it was my turn.

My guess is he wasn't one of the guys who got in anyones way after that...it's a pity some folks only understand force

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Post by Scott C »

I love Canada! We seldom have this issue up here.

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Post by oc1paddlr »

while coming downstream. i always let the players play. if a long wait, get out for a walk -around break. when back with the play boats, get in line, make eye contact and smile. most smile back and want to see what an oc can do. this is on the Nantie, egos are not what they are one state over
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Post by madmike »

I guess I do not understand. When I am running downstream at a feature with play, it is always easy to miss the "surfer", without interfering, catch the eddy and wait my turn. I am fortunate in NY that many times the K-boaters get a kick out of that "old guy in that huge canoe" dropping in for some play. They often cheer me on, and can not wait to see what happens to me. In addition waiting in the eddy for my turn, gives me a chance to bail...

I did have to smack one on the helmet with my paddle, for grabbing my rail......
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Re: ?

Post by msims »

madmike wrote: I did have to smack one on the helmet with my paddle, for grabbing my rail......
Member; National Canoe Safety Patrol
ACA level II tandem canoe instructor
hehe did they teach you that technique at NCSP?? ;-) good show.
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Post by philcanoe »

I always get in line where everyone else lines up, getting in the queue (FIFO). If my entry pointing is different, I tell the next in line that I'm going here or there and it's no problem. If he ignores me and goes ahead, he'll remember it for a while. Usually that works pretty well.


A) Wait patiently, there can only be a couple hundred more 'yaks coming down the river?

yes, especially if it's a raft

B) Go when it's my turn and give them a little bit of room?

yes, but don't give an inch ...it's your turn, you waited..some'em what a canoe can do

C) Aggressively take the feature when it's my turn and give any 'yaks practice with their combat roll?

yes, if they've deserved it ... usually you'll get approval and backing from the group....this let's the offender know he's in error...and if there's going to be an argument, it'll be after your ride...something about the ends being at head level... once even managed to flip a raft at hades Hole, that got HUGE applause ...but a reprimand from Lance

D) Embrace the kayak culture (ie. comment how cute they look in that skirt and ask if they're going to the party at GAF)?

No, I'd never been seen at GAF... unless already with a skirt wearer


Incidentally, it usually goes left,right,left,right ad-infinitum...

And if the line is really long...then I catch it once on the way down, and then wave as going on down afterward.... otherwise I'd wait... unless there is a benefit from the going down river approach, let's say you can't get on the from the eddy side, but can on the way down... or you can catch that top wave on the way down, but not again
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