Advice needed

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Advice needed

Post by nathan »

Has anyone paddled a Liquidlogic Pop and a Wavesort Big EZ C-1? If so, can you tell me how they compare and which one you prefer. I am coming from a Dagger Centrifuge C1 and want something a little more playful. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to let me know.
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Mike W. Staff
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Hey Nathan

Post by Mike W. »

Hey Nathan, didn't you paddle my big ez at Surfer's a couple of months back? I thought later that I should have tried to cartwheel your centrifuge since the bow was so slicey.

The big ez is a hoot on steep waves. Flatwater squirts & bow stalls are easy. On an eddyline, it'll throw 2 ends without an initiation stroke if you do the hip thing right. It is the easiest boat that I have ever tried to roll. While not as stable as my Cascade or Viper, it is stable enough for an 8" seat. Speaking of stability, this boat doesn't care which end, side, or corner is up, it's equally stable at all points. It is also the slowest boat that I've ever been in, which is why I don't paddle technical stuff in it.

Mike W.

Post by Guest »

the pop is going to be a lot more retentive in holes, easier to throw, and prolly easier to spin on steep waves and holes. the big ez will be easier to cartwheel(slicier), harder to spin in holes, but will be easier to surf/spin on slower waves. the big ez will also be better for river running. personally i would go for the pop since the difference between the ez, and the centerfuige will not be that much. --- joey
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