...the calls starts out with" it is a long way from the

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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...the calls starts out with" it is a long way from the

Post by Louie »

and by the end of the call, "I will difinetly run it again". In between my son regualled we with his description of the the first C- 1 run of Conasauga falls, One falls with three drops and no eddies in between. 8 footer, 21 footer and a 7 footer, small landing pad at the botton of the bigger one. Oh ya he threw in the standered disclaimer," it would be easier with more water". Video is comin, Oh sugar cookie Chad and PLG makin a video.
C Boater
Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:57 am
Location: Ocoee, TN

Post by Peter »

On Conasauga Creek outside Tellico Plains?- the big falls? Dang that's big!!!


Post by Louie »

Ya that is the one, he takes after his mother.
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