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TEAM etc Conversions

Note: is not a commercial website and is not sponsored by or related to TEAM etc Conversions. The information below is posted as a service to the CBoating community. For all information regarding TEAM etc Conversions please contact J. Robbins.

TEAM etc Conversions started converting kayak hulls when C-Boating was still the less-popular "stepcousin" of the whitewater sport. Over the years, as C-Boating has become more mainstream, we have found a large number of paddlers wanting to convert their existing hulls to avoid paying out extra money for another boat. Taking from our experience in all fields of C-boating, we strive to help all future C-Boaters with the sometimes difficult and intimidating task of converting kayak hulls into C-boats. By providing assistance with outfitting, trimming, and padding, our goal is to enable every potential paddler the opportunity to create a safe, sturdy, and comfortable outfitting system that is customized to the boater in every sense. Just like in every other sport, you need the equipment to fit and work perfectly in order to allow you to perform to your fullest.

TEAM etc Conversions has produced an information packet filled with diagrams and narratives that will guide you step by step in the conversion process. This packet outlines the tools and material required and it provides templates to assist in the layout of anchor points, padding, and seat. It is set up to help turn you into a conversion pro.

TEAM etc Conversions has also done direct conversions for clients. Our shop, which is located in Woodsboro, MD near the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, can be host to a workshop weekend. You bring your boat hull and a block for your saddle at the beginning of the weekend and learn how to prepare the system, trim the boat, and pad it. By the end of the weekend you'll have a newly converted C-Boat ready to paddle. Please e-mail for weekend availability and reservations.

Should you be interested in one of our K12C1 kits or a Weekend Pass workshop, please email us at Please provide mailing address information and you should receive your packet in about 7-10 working days. Weekend Pass workshops are held year-round, but we recommend attending between the months of April to August, when the weather is better for testing hull trim.

Keep paddling.

J. Robbins
TEAM etc Conversions is managed by Adam Pearsall and Kenneth Sarzynski with graphic artwork by Sara Pearsall
© 2025 by - all rights reserved. Materials found on this website can only be used for personal use.