....If I purchased a boat for conversion that was the same height as myself?
Cause i'm about 6'1"(185 cm) and so is the boat i'm interested in buying (Wavesport project 52) any suggestions?comments? all responses are greatly appreciated. Just trying to round up information before i make a purchase, because you cant really demo any c1's these days
Skip On Ocoee
Last edited by Skip On Ocoee on Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
... I asked myself, why am I here.... what is my purpose.... and then I remember.... milk.... i need to get milk, aisle 5.
your weight and the width of the boat is much more important than the length of the boat- I don't have this problem but potentially a larger cockpit for your thighs might be an issue though I think most standard k1 cockpits fit most paddlers your height and weight
the project 52 says max weight is 190- in a c1- there is a higher center of gravity. Personally I like to be on the lighter side of the range but everyone has their own opinions- the heavier you are in the range the easier bow stalls are etc... if you want to park and play it would probably be good- and probably pretty tippy for a river runner
You might want to check out Isaac's fluid flirt Large- I'm assuming you're looking for a playboat- and the flirt looked nice - though I didn't get to try it
im 6'3" 180# and just converted a ws zg54 (i think it is 6"6") and i love it to death, great for messing around at play spots, yet i have hit solid class IV water with it.
Hi Skip,
the project 52 will be an awesome boat to convert and paddle, I think it will be the perfect size for you depending on your weight, if you are 85/90 kg plus go to a size up. Otherwise if you are under this weight range you will be throwing this boat around in no time.
Don't have any fear converting your new boat, just remember, measure 3 times cut once, before you glue think it through.
More height above the hip joints is going to affect some decisions about boat length. I'm 6' 5" and very tall above the hips, and I find I prefer somewhat longer boats to get the best match of response to forward and backward leans. I have some old-school c-1s that respond badly to forward lean, yet my Dagger Zealot has exactly the amount of bow volume and length to give excellent response to leaning.