So I need to cut down my fiberglass shaft paddle which I have no problem with. My question is how to remove the excess fiberglass from the T grip so I can reattatch it.
Hey Tony, I've cut down a couple of paddles, so if you're not really anxious I can show you at the pool next weekend what I have done in the past and give you some tips.
not knowing what you've really got... but in a lot of cases, a wood chisel tapped lightly works well... from the direction where there once was a blade... a little more healthy, than sanding it away... just work your way round, taking off slivers
have use all different kinds of epoxy , with good results.... if using a thin one (like west), then usually will thicken it... position/flip with tee grip down, to cure... and sometimes i'll wrap joint/crack with tape, until hardened
as a finishing touch - i usually drill thru shaft and t-grip, put in a stainless screw, and then grind off both ends flush... then I can trust using the t-grip as a hook, no matter how heavy the paddler or how full of water their boat - it'll hold... or trust using it to lower my boat, on a portage