Hello again
My web designer is still finishing up with his details, so until that goes online, I will email (or snail mail) a copy of the Entry form, along with a packet containing the rules, local maps, hotels, the whole package, anyone who wishes to have one just let me know and I'll have it to you within 24-48 hours. Just send your requests to
That's the official race email. I will email you the form on the condition that after you get it, you forward it, and the information attachment to all of your friends.
I was checking the OC National web site and was disturbed to find a message at the 2004 Nationals page, see: [url]http://users.bestweb.net~keech/oc-2004c.htm[/url] that seesm to say the race isn't happening. What up?
Hopefully Rob, the race organizer, will post a message here stating what is going on. But yes, I do believe it's not going to happen in California. Anybody want to host the O.C. Slalom Nationals ?