Do you ever...

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Kayak friends

Post by Einar »

If i wasn't able to OC paddle with kayakers I wouldn't have any one to paddle with in the last 15+ years. Only in the last few years has there been a steady supply of OC'ers.
That said, I have a roll and I have pump and a large rack on a pickup truck. Usually one yakker in the group knows me and gets me in. At the beginning it can be a little condecending but part way down the laughter and the fun kicks in and they post a video of the nutter in the open boat on their sites.
I bnack off when the river starts to exceed my skill, being an intermediate oc'er (cl 3+/4) a case of not wanting to wear out my welcome in a small market.
Last night at the pool roll session it was one oc and 10 yaks, good fun, good friends.
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Post by yarnellboat »

Maybe it's not that you're a single-sticker, but that the folks don't know you? I don't hold it against people for being hesitant about paddling with strangers.

Plus, I reserve the right to discriminate against kayakers at will, so I should expect some in return!

we'll c
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It's ALL Good

Post by we'll c »

I started in a K1, paddling entirely other OC2s. Then I OC2'd with other OC2s. Then I kayaked with OC1s. Now I C1 and K1 with C1s and OC-1s and K1s. It's all good!

On the moderately easy Class II and Class III water we paddle we have to think about the ability of the individuals and the group, but we don't have to exclude many people (we used to say NO ONE excluded, but then mistakes happened to gently educate us about the dangers of helping people get in over their heads ability wise).

I love the contributions of each group (i.e. kayaks suggesting more play, canoes suggesting more interesting river runs and how to paddle "smartly").

I don't see much in the way of hard feelings between groups, as long as we all get out to paddle! Maybe a little good natured kidding at times........ It's all good!


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