So, here's a few things I don't like about C-1ing:
Uncomfortable. Even with a relatively high saddle and jacked up rim I can't get my thighs in there.
Labour intensive. Outfitting is a never-ending job, and it's still not done!
Nerve racking. I'm not used to needing my roll, and I flip way more in C-1. My rolls got me up, but barely, I'm better at that in my open boat too.
Boring. Despite the skirt and the small boat, as a newbie I can't really surf and play with ease. Open boat would be more fun.
Lame. Not being any good, I take weird strokes, not enough on my offside, and am too worried about flipping/rolling to paddle aggresively and have fun. I become more of a floater/bobber/bracer. The physical discomfort doesn't help.
And the #1 thing - what a pain to get in and out of! I spent more time watching for a good spot to get out of the darn thing than good features to play on or moves to make. Getting out is hard when your feet are asleep, and getting back into the boat, straps and skirt is even harder, while trying not to float away or flip. It was starting to piss me off.
I almost flipped to my offside while paddling a few times, but saved it with leans (air braces). I instinctively used an offside low-brace once during a turn - it was fine as long as you only need a little boost and catch it early, a forward stroke would probably be better unless the low-brace is right there, I did it by accident because I had to. I did flip twice, both times doing an offside eddy turn and leaned on the stroke too much I guess, basically following my paddle into the drink.
So, to those of you who went through this frustration and stuck with it, what's the upside, and what are the keys getting more confident?
p.s. My shoulder is still tender from shoddy rolls, and my thighs are still tender from the cockpit, but I can feel my feet again.