Padding in Mass...

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Padding in Mass...

Post by beardedcanadian »

Hey Y'all,

I live in the Worcester area and am looking for a couple experienced paddlers to hit the water with me...I should rephrase that. I am looking for a couple experienced rescuers to paddle with. ;)

I am heading up to Ontario tomorrow to pick up a L'edge, then teach some flatwater courses and will be back on May 20th..ish. I would like to get a few days of class II-III paddling in, before I head back up to the Yukon for a month. I don't mind driving a few hours to get there. I have paddled large rivers in bigger boats (think Canyon or Pocket Canyon) on long 20+ day trips, but haven't run anything in a small OC-1. I am fully prepared to spend the first day or so swimming...I also purchased an Aquaman T-shirt to help out in that aspect.

If anyone was interested also, I am passing through the Ottawa area around May 19th and wouldn't mind getting on the Mad or the Ottawa...

Any takers?

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Re: Padding in Mass...

Post by PatrickOC1 »

I try getting out on the deerfield every so often once the local rivers dry up (dam release) , think thats about as close as I get to where you're at, Ill pm you.

always good to get more c-boaters on the river :D
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Re: Padding in Mass...

Post by Danydan »


If anyone paddles further north to do the E-Branch-Pemmigwaset / Swift / Saco river region, it would be appreciated if they'd post because a bunch of French canadians would come to do a few runs!

(I know that it needs to rain to do run these aforementioned rivers, but... I believe!)

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